Here’s how we can help you:
“Where does all my money go?” This is one of the most common questions we hear and it led us to develop a market leading money management service. We will help you take control of your finances, understand where your money is going, develop a better understanding of money and create good habits. From here the sky is the limit...
Despite what many people say your home is not your biggest asset, your ability to earn an income is. Over a lifetime an average 25 year old Australian will earn approximately $2.3 million*. What would happen if sickness or injury stopped you being unable to work? We can show you how you can tax effectively protect this asset.
Source: NATSEM calculation from 2009–10 Survey of Income and Housing Basic Confidentialised Unit Record File.
It will be one of the biggest decisions in your life, so it makes sense to get good advice to make sure you are doing the right thing. 30 years is a long time to be stuck paying off a debt so you want to make sure you can still have a life and achieve your other goals during this time. Once you know how much to spend, we will help you save for a deposit, help you understand the process and organise a suitable loan structure for you.
Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world according to Warren Buffet (the world’s best investor). Starting sooner and sticking to a sound investment strategy will help compounding work for you. We will teach you about investing, work out the best structure to invest tax effectively, help you reduce your risk and make sure you don’t fall trap to the common investment mistakes.
Having more than one superannuation fund could be costing you money. Duplicated fees and insurances could be eating away at your retirement savings. However if you are looking at consolidating, how do you know which super funds to keep and which to close? Fees, investment options, insurances and tax consequences are just some of the issues to consider. Need help? Speak to us.
It is always great to get a second opinion on your financial decisions and have someone who can keep you on track when things get tough (or tempting). We can project your financial future and then track how you are tracking to achieve your goals. Knowing the next small step to achieving long term goals makes them much easier to keep taking.
Having written goals and a step by step plan to achieving them is a proven way to achieve greater results. Having someone keeping you accountable to the plan makes it almost impossible to fail. If you want to achieve your goals sooner, meet with a Merideon adviser today.
We have seen too many times how 1 bad financial decision can wipe out a lifetime of savings and good decisions. Having a financial planner can help reduce the emotion of decisions and ensure that a stricter decision process is taken before risking your hard earned money. It is easier to reduce the risk of making a bad decision than having to pick the one best decision to make you wealthy.
Getting out of debt is one of the most amazing feelings you will ever experience. It frees up so much money to help you build a better life. If you want to get out of debt quicker our team can show you the best debt structure, help you budget to pay it off quicker and teach you the tricks the banks use against us to keep us in debt.

Merideon has been an excellent find. They set up a financial plan which is tailored to my personal goals and provide excellent ongoing advice backed up with simple and logical explanations. Mark and Merideon have made me feel really confident about my future.
Sam Schmidt

I've been a customer of Merideon for over five years since I was a single guy living at home with my Mum. I have now bought a home with my partner, and just had our first baby and I am nearly ready to stop working FIFO due to the investments I have made. From our first meeting I felt comfortable trusting them with any financial advice. Thanks to the team for providing a great service. Would 100 % recommend them to any family and friends.
Steve Wardrope

Mark got us thinking about our finances from a different point of view which I think will help us make better decisions in future. We found it extremely informative and took some great practical ideas we could take away and apply.