Investment is a very misunderstood and complex subject. It seems that everyone is an expert on how you should invest or there is a new get-rich-quick scheme (scam?) happening every week.
Unfortunately there is no magic answer to creating wealth. Some people fluke the timing of a certain strategy and then tell everyone their way is the best way to get rich. The problem is there are many paths to wealth, but their are also many pitfalls. For the majority of people a sensible get-rich-slowly-and-stay-rich strategy will be the best option. Something that minimises risk, suits their financial situation and doesn’t keep them awake at night worrying.
At Merideon we strive to develop sensible and understandable investment strategies that meet your individual goals and circumstances. Our philosophy is that it is the underlying strategy that leads to achieving your investment goals, not the individual product or investment. Our aim is to implement an appropriate investment strategy that will achieve your goals, whilst minimising the risk and complexity to suit you. From simple set & forget savings plans to large tax effective direct investment portfolios, Merideon will create the strategy that is right for you.
Some investment strategies that may help achieve your goals:
Education Savings plans: raising children can be a costly business. Providing a good education for your children will cost tens of thousands of dollars. Merideon can help you start investing today to provide for your children’s future.
Accumulation plans: you may not have a large lump sum, but Merideon can help implement a regular investment plan that will start to grow into something substantial over the years.
Investment Gearing: whether you want to use the equity in your home or have a lump sum to invest, we can show you how to sensibly use borrowed funds to tax effectively grow your wealth. Whether you are interested in an investment property or building a portfolio of investments, Merideon’s advice and detailed modelling will ensure your strategy is suitable to your needs.
Passive or Active investments: Merideon has access to a large range of investment options to suit your needs. Whether you are a “hands on” or “set and forget” investor we can tailor a strategy to suit. From direct shares and wholesale managed funds to ETF’s, index or multi-manager funds we can cater to your skills and desires.
Guaranteed investment options: with the recent volatility in investment markets, many investors and would be investors have been reluctant to throw their hard earned money into growth assets. For this reason Merideon has found a range of Protected investment options that offer a guarantee on your capital or income. This means that rather than sitting out waiting for things to settle down, more conservative investors can invest their money, safe in the knowledge that their capital is protected if markets fall.
If you would like more information on our tax effective investment strategies or would like to discuss how we can help you achieve your financial goals simply call 08 9583 5299 or complete our enquiry form.